Sunday, November 21, 2004

This is primarily a photo post, as I just got film developed.

We will begin with pictures of my mice, named Robbie and Dr. Jekyll. They have since learned not to both run in the wheel at the same time. And here's one more pictures of me being very happy that I have a mouse in my hand.

And on a more tragic note, some of you may remember that several weeks ago, I discussed a dead bat in my parking lot. I thought this was an odd, odd sight indeed. I've never seen a "wild" bat before, let alone dead in my parking lot in central Illinois. So, umm, I took a picture. His name is Baron VonBloodenson, by the way.

Following the bat we have Halloween. Here's CJ and I as Mario and Princess Toadstool, and one more picture in character. I think it's adorable and it's a damn shame we didn't wear our costumes for more than two hours. I worked hard on that outfit.

Apparently I'm not going in chronological order here, because before Halloween was the play I was in, "Trouble is My Business." Here's the entire cast, and here's me (Nancy Drew) with David (Hercule Poirot).

And just for good measure, here's the cutest picture that ever existed.

In other news, I'm home on Thanksgiving break and basically doing homework and working at B3 all week. That's fine with me. I have a lot of stupid projects to work on and if I'm getting paid for 25 hours of customer service, that gives me more money for Christmas presents. Hoorah! But I miss my friends, and roommates, and CJ...

And on a random note, I would just like to proclaim that I am still under the opinion that "Wicked" is one of the most overrated musicals ever. The music is trivial and basic, the plot isn't original, and the characters are shallow. It's like something Andrew Lloyd Weber would write, and if you know me, you know that's a HUGE insult. How did this piece become so immensely popular?
posted at 7:56:00 PM

Thursday, November 18, 2004

I just had the most frustrating creative writing class EVER. As you know (or maybe not), Brooke was just replaced by another teacher due to medical problems. That's a whole subject in and of itself. But today it was like a huge power struggle. This new teacher steps in and says that he's basically just a facilitator, and we're doing fine running class how we should be, and then today, he stepped all over everyone's work and made Val REALLY mad by insinuating that no one who graduates from ISU is smart enough to get a job and then completely disregarded the fact that we were supposed to be workshopping in order to blabber on about poetry and motivation and 3rd tier schools. And half of the class went into an uproar trying to regain power, and the other half just sat there looking stupified. And it was dumb and annoying. What a situation for us to be in now. Where are you, Brooke? We never thought we'd miss you this much!

In other news, I'm almost completely over my cold of doom. Metamorphoses is over, so all I'm working on is a directing scene and the new RJ/CJ movie. I have five gigantic projects due in the next three weeks. Looks like I'll be working at B3 (at home) and on homework all Thanksgiving break...

I go home tomorrow. I have mixed feelings about this. I'm glad to be home and see my family and such, and Charleen, but that's really about it. It will be nice to have the short break and work on some stuff, but I'll miss CJ, and my roomies, and my ISU friends (Liz!) even though I rarely see them. Still debating if I should go to Jen's Thanksgiving party or not. I have a feeling that after the whole "Julie hates everyone and we hate her" fiasco of the summer, I'm not wanted there. So we'll see what's up.

I'll post pictures soon. I have some cute ones from Halloween.
posted at 4:07:00 PM

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I suppose we’ll start at the beginning.

I’ve begun my costume work on “Metamorphoses,” and while I’m thrilled with the show and most of the crew, and while we’re getting out around 10 every night and there have been no major problems yet in spite of the billions of costumes, I’m very disappointed in the choice of crewhead. Mainly because I was supposed to be the crewhead, but couldn’t because my Monday class goes until 5:50, and instead of me, Chloe was chosen. Chloe. And that’s all I’ll say about that.

Halloween was fun, although I wish now that I had gone to the theatre party as well as Ted. I know why I didn’t – I was very tired, had worked all day, didn’t want to drive to Bloomington…But CJ and I looked really good in our costumes, and I wanted to show them off. Oh well. I’ll post pictures when I get them developed, but for now, you can see us here…Theatre of Ted

A short paragraph of standardness: I’m busy, I’m tired, too much homework, blah blah blah.

A short paragraph of happiness: I get to take an entire honors class next semester on false memory! Huzzah!

And now, the fun begins. Yes, children, the election. Skip if you wish.

I am not disappointed in this election. I think it came damn close to 50/50, which is what I expected. I think people in this country are finally realizing that Bush has been lying to us about so many things, and we’re losing all respect from the rest of the world, and over the next four years, there’s a real possibility of a draft starting, of more budget cuts from education, of Roe vs. Wade being overturned. No, I’m very happy with the people of America for standing up and voting and making it so damn close.

I AM disappointed in Kerry for conceding. According to, as of 11:30 this morning, Bush had 254 electoral votes and Kerry had 252. Three states had not been counted yet. New Mexico and Iowa, while very close, don’t matter much because they have so few electoral votes. But whoever wins Ohio wins the election, and currently, Kerry is behind by 136,221 votes in Ohio. That seems like a lot until you take in to consideration the 140,000-250,000 votes that HAVEN’T BEEN COUNTED YET. And yes, the chances for Kerry were small, and yes, Bush would most likely win. But what happened to sticking it out? What happened to “winners never quit and quitters never win?” What about John Edwards, who last night said something to the effect of “We are going to count every single vote, you deserve nothing less” and then conceded 12 hours later? Kerry is a wimp. Almost 50% of America voted for this man who was supposed to be better than Bush, and he’s a wimp. Which is better than being a lying, sniveling, stupid monkey like Bush is, but still, Kerry’s a wimp. And I am so disappointed with him right now. What gives him the right to run a campaign and get half of America on his side and then drop out November 3rd just because things don’t seem to be in his favor? STICK IT THROUGH!!!

*sigh* So. If a draft is reinstated, CJ and I are moving. That’s been decided. He wants Canada, I want Great Britain, but either way, we’re getting the hell out of here. I will never get a job in theatre education at this rate, and when I get to teach English, I’ll just be teaching to the tests. Don’t kid yourselves; children all over this country are being left behind. Not to mention that 11 states voted to ban gay marriages, which is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Not to mention that my high school just lost our entire extracurricular program, and they went from 6 plays a year to 2. Not to mention that all the other countries, who know what’s really going on and aren’t blinded by the American media, are so disappointed in us by now. And that’s what I hate the most, that German man on the news this morning sobbing and saying how he doesn’t understand why we would do this, why we would vote for a man who is making the rest of the world miserable. Just go to and read what’s REALLY happening. Did you know that American publishing companies are being blocked from publishing books that were written in Iran, Sudan, and Cuba? Did you know that our troops in Iraq just had their time there extended?

Anyway. I’m done. I have to go buy bread and take some quizzes and go iron costumes. I’ll update again when I have pictures.
posted at 2:18:00 PM