Monday, October 25, 2004

Hello, darlings! It's been a while, eh? I shall update you on the exciting events of my life. Warning: This will be lengthy, but I'll attempt to keep it as pithy as possible for those ADHD children out there.

I suppose the excitement starts on Friday. I was scheduled to work from 9-2, which didn't make me too happy considering the call for my play was at 3:30, but whatever. I woke up early, glanced up at my clock, and it was 8:05 (I thought). My alarm was to go off in about five minutes, so I figured I'd stay in bed until then.

Three minutes later, my cell phone rang with my B3 ringer. Hi, Julie? It's Tina from work. You're scheduled to work from 9-2 today.*pause* Yeah, I know. *pause* Well, are you coming in then?

As it turns out, it was actually 9:05. I can't read clocks. And my alarm clock had run out of batteries in the middle of the night and thought it was only 7 AM. I rushed to work, feeling horrible, only to learn that our district and regional managers were there reviewing the store. Luckily, they hadn't hit customer service yet, but still. So anyway, worked, blah blah blah. Came home, showered.

PLAY! Trouble is My Business went REALLY well. The audience really liked us, and we all had fun, and it was so much fun to work on. I think I did a million times better Friday night than I ever had in rehearsal, which I'm sure made Deb happy. We had a few snafoos, but nothing that wasn't expected and well covered. We had fun. It was wonderful. And thank you to all my friends who brought me flowers, and Nona who brought me flowers even though she wasn't there, and my parents and CJ who stole centerpieces to give to me. Cheapos. Anyway, it was fun and good and fun. And I'll have pictures to share soon.

Saturday, CJ and I drove up to Madison, WI to my Aunt Barb's place for the annual Biagi family Madison gathering. Or whatever you want to call it. So CJ met the rest of my family (he'd met most of them already) and we had fun and stuff. We found a lake, and a playground, and a, umm, camera. Thanks to Aunt Rose for the pictures. And here's the whole family (that was there, at least)... Billions of Biagis. But yeah, it was fun, except for when we were driving the 3 hours home and I missed the exit from 90E to 39S, and then there was NOWHERE to turn around and NO exits for the next 40 minutes, so I ended up going to 290 and 355 and taking 55 down and adding, like, 45 minutes to our travel time. Ugh.

Sunday we went to McDonald's for lunch and then I did homework and cleaned the mouse cage. I'll also have pictures of the mice soon. I want a digital camera...*shakes fist* Anyway, then CJ and I saw Citizen Kane at the Normal Theatre. I liked it, but didn't think it was worthy of being number one on AFI's list of best movies ever. CJ and I disagreed about it for a while.

So now I'm sitting here at my desk surrounded by my play flowers, hating my homework, and wishing that my Venus Fly Trap wasn't so dead (I guess I was supposed to leave the plastic cover over it for moistness or something). This week brings the start of Metamorphoses costume crew, I Heart Huckabees, 12.5 hours of work, a football game in Coal City (the things I do for my boyfriend's brother), and Halloween Ted.

Leave me comments, dammit!

posted at 10:39:00 PM

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The whole point of this mini update is to let y'all know that there's a new addition to the "Generally, I Like It" page. A nice little rave about Vicks Sinex. Read it now.

Also, I love the play I'm doing. And I love Deb. And I love (most) of the cast. And I love my 11 friends who have given up their time and money to come see me perform! *cheers*

And I love CJ for randomly bringing me a rose and lottery tickets last night.
posted at 4:10:00 PM

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Hey kids! What haven't I said since I last updated? Let's see...Well, if you read my LJ as well, you already know this, but CJ and I got pet mice! There names are Dr. Jekyll and Robbie. CJ wants Dr. Jekyll to develop a serum and turn into a racoon at night. Robbie is named after Robert Louis Stevenson, who wrote Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. They're terribly adorable.

I got cast in a show! It's called "Trouble is Our Business," it's being directed by Deb Alley (who everyone knows I love), and it's a dinner theatre/murder mystery thing taking place homecoming weekend. I play Nancy Drew. Everyone else cast is either a grad student or adult, I believe, meaning that I'm terrified to act with the likes of David Sollish and Kim Pereira. It's on October 22nd at 6 pm and costs $15 for students (dinner is included in that). So come see me! Let me know if you're interested and give me money by October 11th, because I have to put reservations in.

I just did a photo post on LJ as well, if you didn't see. Pictures

I have a nasty little cold that doesn't seem to want to go away. It's VERY slowly getting worse, which means I'll have it for, like, two more weeks before it decides to get better. Which SUCKS.

The day after my play, CJ and I are driving up to Madison to see the whole Biagi family. Everyone else is staying overnight, but we're driving back because we need Sunday for homework/work if they want me...But yes, Janessa, this means you get to meet CJ! Tell Joe to be nice to him!

Got my new cell phone today! Hoorah! It's adorable, and little, and colorful, and has cute rings. Hopefully it also has decent reception, because really, that's all I'm asking for.

Classes are decent. Still hoping for straight A's, but who knows.

Eventually, this website will be updated. I don't have any recent (or decent) writing on here, and it seems that no one has said anything interesting in the past few months, for there's nothing new on the quotes page. What's up with that?

CJ and I had our six month anniversary on Friday. Went to dinner, which was lovely. Bought each other wonderful presents. I love him very much. Our two families are meeting on Saturday, we're all going out to dinner...Yeeks...Hopefully they'll be fine.

posted at 6:13:00 PM