Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Hey, kiddies.  First of all, I've updated my LJ with a picture post, so if you don't normally check that out, do so now

Other than that, a brief update in my life, bulleted for your convenience.

One last thing...This Friday and Saturday is the annual Janus Family Garage Sale!  If you're in the area, come by between 9 and 3.  If you know any high school girls, I'm selling my BEAUTIFUL prom dresses, so send them over.  Come buy things from me!  (:

posted at 8:34:00 PM

Friday, July 09, 2004

Very short update - I HEART SHOPPING! Went to IKEA with Lizzy and Leeny, then the three of us had lunch, and Leeny and I headed back to Lombard to hit up B3 (for my discount) and a few other random stops.

I got almost everything I need for school, which is awesome. My room apparently is going to be blue and green. I even got a duvet cover and new sheets for $40 total, and a TV stand, and a blue and green mirror, and a pretty floor lamp, and a really awesome independent headboard/shelf system...And of course everything I needed to contribute to the kitchen/bathroom area. But I'm so excited to move in now! Hoorah!

PLUS! So far, I've spent $80 myself on my credit cards this month. And I have $280 in my bank account. So I'm fast on my way to paying off daddy! Hoorah! AAANNNDDDD Keren owes me $75 for the Hanson tickets, so that almost makes me a millionaire!

And speaking of millionaires, I won $30 on a scratch-off ticket today!

This has been an absolutely lovely Friday.
posted at 11:18:00 PM

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Hey kiddies, long time no update! Now that I'm alive again after the tonsilectomy, I shall update you on my very exciting life. I'll try to keep this brief in order to keep you interested.

The weekend after the hospital fiasco, CJ came up here again to do what we were supposed to do the last weekend. We went to the zoo, which was a lot of fun, we watched the original Stepford Wives, and we went to the drive-in. It was lovely to see him, and lovely to finely be feeling better and be able to leave my house.

That Tuesday (where I am now, like, June 28th?), I started work again. I was happy to see that my managers didn't hate me for needing so much hospital time off. I also started baby-sitting again, so my tan is getting a bit darker from taking the kids to the pool. Work at B3 is great. Most of the time, I really enjoy it, and it's WONDERFUL to be getting paychecks again. I'm dreading going back to school, where I don't have a job. I should call Pip and see if they're still hiring for the fall. There are very few places on campus I can work, though, because of my schedule, and it would be even harder off-campus.

Saw Dr. Tonsil on July 1st. He told me that I'm the fist patient of his in six years to have a complication. That figures.

On the 4th of July, I worked for 9 hours and 40 minutes. Exhausted, I went to Ashley's party. It was very nice to see everyone again. We established that I have a gambling problem, and that instead of spending so much money on fireworks, Lombard should fix some potholes. We played Scene-It, which I actually knew a few answers to. We watched The Fabulous Janes for a while, who I adore. But I was very lonely under the fireworks. Almost everyone else was all coupled up. It was like being a reject from Noah's Ark or something. But like I said, it was great to see my friends. Yay! And yay to Lizzy for driving all the way out here to visit!

In tragic news, we must all mourn the death of my boyfriend's self-image (if he really had one to begin with). I drove down to visit him Monday (two days ago), only one day after he dyed his hair blonde for The Wizard of Oz. As I anticipated, he is an AWFUL blonde. It's so absolutely terrifying that his parents agreed to let me dye it back when the show is over next week - They said that even if I turn his hair green, it will be an improvement. I concur with that statement. I'll have pictures eventually. Other than being horrified of CJ's hair, Peoria was lovely. We had some lunch, watched the Twilight Zone marathon, ate the dinner his wonderful grandmother cooked, and while he went to rehearsal, I cleaned his room. I made it pretty. (: Monday night, we played Cranium with the whole family, which was fun. I had never played before, and it's a really good game. Listening to CJ hum "Respect" was unbelievably funny, and his grandmother is hysterical at charades. We then went upstairs and, umm, bowled while everyone else went to sleep. Yes. I thoroughly enjoy bowling. Tuesday, we went to breakfast and watched The Manchurian Candidate before I had to leave. Wiping tears away, I drove back to Lombard.

So now, I'm working a lot. 13 hours tomorrow between my two jobs. Friday, I'm apartment shopping with Leeny and Lizzy - Yay! But then I'm working all weekend and every day next week, until I drive to Peoria again on Friday to see The Wizard of Oz and fix the horrible mistake my boyfriend made to his poor, defenseless hair.

Does it make sense that saying goodbye to CJ is only getting harder? I expected it to get easier as the summer went on. It plateaued off for a while (wow, is that spelled right?), but now, it's getting harder again. It seems like the more time I spend with him, the more time I WANT to spend with him. And it just isn't fair that I can't hug him and kiss him and hold him every night like I want to. And I know everyone reading this who's in a long distance relationship is like "Blah bah, whatever, I have it worse," and I'm not denying that, but it's just really hard. Grr to me being overemotional.

Yes. That was my short post. *snorts* Does anyone actually read this? I want everyone who reads this to leave me a comment, just so I know. *grins*
posted at 8:21:00 PM